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Goals: revisited

The beautiful Swansea, east coast of Tasmania Back in January I wrote this post about my goals for the year. I have been remembering these goals throughout the year, so I thought I’d do a re-cap about them to show you how crap I am at sticking to them. Decluttering: I am gradually going through everything, […]

New additions at Fangorn Farm

New additions at Fangorn Farm

This week I visited my friend on her farm and came home with two rabbits and three ducks! I’ve been wanting to get rabbits and ducks again for a while, but I wasn’t sure how to house them so I’ve been putting it off.  I worked out that I could close off the outdoor pen […]

Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung!

It is so good to feel the warmth and joy of spring! We have had a pleasant winter, in my opinion, but spring is something wonderful. Here are some things I love about spring: New life in the garden!  Planting food for the next season  Birds Warmer and longer days Weekends spent completely outside Outdoor […]

9 months 

9 months 

Well isn’t Sarah a big bundle of joy! She is such a busy bee. She crawls quickly, following me around everywhere. She seems much happier since she began crawling (over a month ago now, so she’s quite good at it!). I think she likes exploring a bit too much. She is pulling herself up on […]



People who know me know that I love the children’s television show PlaySchool. As a teacher I can see the planning that goes into the show to educate and entertain children; to facilitate their learning through play and song; and to help parents learn how they can encourage their children to engage in imaginative play […]

Snow at Fangorn Farm!

Snow at Fangorn Farm!

We woke up on Monday, August 3, to the sight of snow lying thick all over our property. We were so excited. There was lots of squealing! Tasmania experienced a freak snow event, where it was snowing right down to sea level on Monday and Wednesday. We had snow resting on our property up to […]