
Chicken shenanigans

Chicken shenanigans

Well. Let’s talk about the birds, shall we? My beloved chickens and ducks! [rollseyes] We have so many chickens. And the door of the coop broke in the wind, and hasn’t been fixed, and we have chickens *everywhere!* I don’t want to show you the mess they’re making on our deck, or the way they […]

Silly birds

Silly birds

Silly. And broody. But so, so lovely :)       I can’t get enough of these beautiful birds!  The ducks have been building nests out in the garden, where the weeds are thick and make good shelter. I found a clutch of eggs when I was weeding recently. It was easy to move the eggs […]



        There’s no denying it. I love my chickens. Like, really love them.  I realised that, perhaps I love them too much, this morning, when monte came in to bid me good morning with the news that a quoll must have breached our chook pen and killed two of our pullets (one of the […]

Grateful for chickens

Grateful for chickens

I love the chickens. I love it how they scramble to the door of their chook run and wait for their food scraps. I love it that they see me coming, clomping along in monte’s oversized crocs, carrying the blue chook scraps bucket, and they cluck and carry on, waiting impatiently for me to come […]