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Surviving School Holidays

Surviving School Holidays

Happy Christmas! Ahead of me lies 6 more weeks of school holidays, which has me looking and feeling a bit like this: (photo taken the morning before I went into hospital to have Sarah!) Anyway, I’ve had a few ideas that might help me survive the crazy combination of the summer break and my puerperium. […]

Sarah Audrey Alice

Sarah Audrey Alice

Life is very beautiful! Sarah Audrey Alice was born safe and healthy on Wednesday, November 26 at 10:41pm, weighing 3190g (7lbs) and 50cm long. My labour was another quick one. I went to hospital on Wednesday afternoon for induction and on examination the dr found that I was already 3cm dilated. We were all surprised […]

Why Handmade?

Why Handmade?

We decided to give handmade gifts for Christmas again this year. Last year it was a lot of fun choosing items and making them for my nieces and nephews. Our children also joined the party and made things for eachother as well. It was a lot of fun and it was also very rewarding to […]

34 weeks

34 weeks

There’s not long until I give birth to this precious baby. This pregnancy has been the best ever, and the quickest ever! I’m so grateful for that. This pregnancy has also brought so much healing to my family and me. Physically I feel pretty enormous and uncomfortable right now, which is pretty standard. I’m tired […]

September Crafting

September Crafting

Another month has sped by! This year is going quickly. I thought it would drag, but it’s not. Days, weeks, months are going so quickly. Is it because I’m happy? Busy? Having fun? Having fun. This currently equates to lots of crafting. I’m immersing myself in craft. It has been so healing for me. And […]