Reindeer poop {recipe}
Ok, so most people might know these as yum yum balls, rum balls or even truffles. At Fangorn farm we call the reindeer poop. Some cheeky children even roll them into turd-like shapes for that extra giggle factor [eye-roll]. These are really easy and quick to make, especially if you have a food processor/blender to […]

Silly birds
Silly. And broody. But so, so lovely :) I can’t get enough of these beautiful birds! The ducks have been building nests out in the garden, where the weeds are thick and make good shelter. I found a clutch of eggs when I was weeding recently. It was easy to move the eggs […]

Pickled Radish
It’s great to grow your own food, but finding ways to preserve it is also important. There are many ways to preserve food. Freezing, pickling, dehydrating, clamping and fermenting are some of the ways food can be preserved. A lot of these require energy to get the food to a state for preservation, for example, […]

Keeping Rabbits for meat
Our rabbits, Clover and Thumper, are Brittish Giant x New Zealand Giant White rabbits, and are bred for meat. Our girls are about 6 months old and they’re adorable. We got them from some friends who raise rabbits. We decided to try rabbits again for several reasons. Firstly, after Naigee died a few months ago, […]

There’s no denying it. I love my chickens. Like, really love them. I realised that, perhaps I love them too much, this morning, when monte came in to bid me good morning with the news that a quoll must have breached our chook pen and killed two of our pullets (one of the […]

Free crochet pumpkin pattern
This is a simple little amigurumi crochet pumpkin I made for Halloween this year. We don’t generally celebrate Halloween, but our children are showing more and more interest in it each year! I am sharing the instructions with you so you can make a little pumpkin too (one of my Instagram friends said that in […]

Scrappy granny crochet blanket
I’ve got a bit of yarn left over from other projects lying about. I tend to find it in my knitting bags and wool storage boxes. The more I look, the more I find! I’m pretty much a yarnaholic. Not such a bad thing really. I decided to use my scrap yarn to make granny […]

Eleven Months
Well, the monthly photo with Trigg bear is getting more and more difficult each month! There’s too much to do to spend time lying down next to that little bear (the same bear who seemed enormous the day he arrived at our home – the same day Sarah came home from hospital)! Sarah is […]
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