
Snow at Fangorn Farm!

Snow at Fangorn Farm!

We woke up on Monday, August 3, to the sight of snow lying thick all over our property. We were so excited. There was lots of squealing! Tasmania experienced a freak snow event, where it was snowing right down to sea level on Monday and Wednesday. We had snow resting on our property up to […]

Easter Holidays 2014

Easter Holidays 2014

We have had lovely holidays! They began with a delightful visit from Monte’s sister Sarah and her family. They stayed with us for a week over Easter and we had a great time together. One of the highlights was that Sarah and Russell minded the children so Monte and I could have a night away […]



I visited Adelaide last weekend for a quick visit. I haven’t been back since Christmas time and I was craving to see my friends and family. I wanted to travel before I was too big with baby (you need a medical certificate to travel at 29 weeks) and, although I plan to return to Adelaide […]

Snippets of the winter holidays

Snippets of the winter holidays

Unfortunately the winter school holidays are coming to an end. We have had a quiet time these holidays, involving a few birthdays, a party, catching up with dear friends, cooking, knitting and resting. I think it’s always a bit harder for Monte to work when the children and I are all on holidays. He is […]