Apple Things
So, Autumn is here. That means foggy mornings, windy afternoons and chilly nights. And apples. I woke up one morning recently and went outside – in my pyjamas – to pick this basket of apples. They were crisp and super tasty. It’s apple season, and with all the apples we are being gifted […]

We have just returned from a little holiday in Melbourne! We joined family friends, the Smiths, to celebrate Jill’s birthday. Monte’s sister Sarah and her family came along too and it was a really wonderful family holiday. One of the highlights was when all of us – all 22 of us – gathered at a […]

Geeveston Christmas parade and carols
The Geeveston Christmas parade and carols evening was a lovely event, as usual. Most of the population of the town seemed to be in the parade and it went for quite a while. We all chose to watch it together this year; in previous years some or all of us have been in it. It […]

Fabric Friday: Tania’s choice
My lovely friend Tania scored this beautiful vintage sheet. Isn’t it pretty! I’m quite envious. She’s going to use it to make pajama pants for herself and here daughters. I love the idea of having matching jarmies pants! There are lots of tutorials on the Internet for making simple pants, using your existing pants to […]

Children frolicking on Fangorn Farm
We set out for a wander to visit the cows. Bessie is always happy to see us; she wants food! She doesn’t mind a bit of a pat either. The children had fun running around the (very shallow) dam. Our soil absorbs water so we have trouble filling a dam. Apparently our soil is high […]

Rendering – take 2
On Saturday we had the gang back to work on the render of the south and west sides of the house. It was another long day, but the results are excellent! Perran was on the spray pump. He needed a helper to turn it off and on and at various times that was Monte, Miranda […]

Social Networking
I reactivated my Facebook account a few days ago. Somebody asked me why. It got me thinking. Why, after 4 months sans Facebook, did I want to return? Why, after 4 months, only hacking into Monte’s account twice (and being a bit disinterested), did I want to return? Why, after not missing Facebook at all […]

Easter 2011
What a wonderful Easter we have had. We spent most of the time with friends. On Saturday we went to our friends’ house for an Easter egg hunt. There were lots of children, who all played beautifully, and there was lots of delicious food (breakfast pizzas! Hello!). The children also made their own bunny ears […]
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