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Saying goodbye

Saying goodbye

I don’t think that the slaughtering of our animals for meat is very pleasant. I really like our animals, and when we had Daisy slaughtered last week, I couldn’t help feeling a bit sad. Daisy was born here, and over the past three years I’ve loved watching her grow and graze the property. I loved […]

Chicken shenanigans

Chicken shenanigans

Well. Let’s talk about the birds, shall we? My beloved chickens and ducks! [rollseyes] We have so many chickens. And the door of the coop broke in the wind, and hasn’t been fixed, and we have chickens *everywhere!* I don’t want to show you the mess they’re making on our deck, or the way they […]

2016 Goals

2016 Goals

And this is the time of year that I set myself some goals and publish them on my little blog. It holds me accountable. It makes me want to achieve the things I’ve set out to do.    Grow more food. Each year we are getting closer to our goal of living sustainably on our […]



   June 2015 It has been a good year! For Georgia, 2015 was her final year of primary school, a bittersweet concoction of emotion. She represented her class on the SRC for the second time and worked on the school’s magazine committee. The grade 6s had their school camp in Melbourne, which she loved. Our […]