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Silly birds

Silly birds

Silly. And broody. But so, so lovely :)       I can’t get enough of these beautiful birds!  The ducks have been building nests out in the garden, where the weeds are thick and make good shelter. I found a clutch of eggs when I was weeding recently. It was easy to move the eggs […]



        There’s no denying it. I love my chickens. Like, really love them.  I realised that, perhaps I love them too much, this morning, when monte came in to bid me good morning with the news that a quoll must have breached our chook pen and killed two of our pullets (one of the […]

Eleven Months

Eleven Months

Well, the monthly photo with Trigg bear is getting more and more difficult each month! There’s too much to do to spend time lying down next to that little bear (the same bear who seemed enormous the day he arrived at our home – the same day Sarah came home from hospital)!    Sarah is […]