Hi folks! I thought I’d pop into my blog to say hello and, yes, I’m still alive! Haha ? I know it has been a while since I posted, but, you know, life has been busy. I would like to start posting more at fangornfarm, but things will look different because life is a bit […]
Winter take #2 (in December)
I thought I would write about the weather. Tasmanians talk about the weather a lot. A lot! Usually, it’s either too cold or too hot, or too wet or too dry. The weather is very rarely “just right.” This week the weather has been horrid. We have had low temperatures (12C) and rain. And snow. […]

Nanowrimo 2019
My experiences of nanowrimo this year have mostly been positive. The most positive thing about it was hitting 50,000 on Wednesday, the 27th. It had been a difficult slog to get to that point, and there were many times that I didn’t think I could do it. One day, nearly half way through, I decided […]

Winter is upon us. I’m a winter baby, born in the middle of winter, just 2 weeks after the solstice. For a long time, winter was my favourite month. It’s easier to keep warm in winter, compared to keeping cool in summer. Also, winter fashion is better, in my opinion. Or, at least, so I […]
June 18, 2019. I’m back. I’ve decided to give my blog a facelift and start writing again. Now that I’ve worked out how to log in (it has been a while), I’ll leave you with this post, which I wrote on January 18, 2016, and left in draft mode for over two years. I don’t know where […]

Primrose Sands, August 2017 I don’t have much to say about 2017, other than ‘I’m glad it’s over!’ Well, that’s not true. I mean, I am glad that 2017 is over. However, it wasn’t all bad, so I do have some things to say about it! Monte is still working from home in his computer […]

We put the chickens into the poly tunnel over winter. It was good for the chickens because they got a warm home, with plenty of seeds and bugs and green things to eat and scratch. It was good for the poly tunnel too, because the chickens got rid of bugs and plants and seeds from […]

Happy new year!
Hi there! It has been an age since I wrote last. I think the treatments really got the better of me and I had to narrow down my priorities a bit. Blogging kind of went on the back burner. So here we are in a new year already! This New Year’s Eve we celebrated a […]
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