Learning to be a mother – from a cow
It has been a week since Daisy was born. I love watching her gallop in the paddocks. I love watching Bella watch her calf, lick her clean and seemingly communicate to her. I love watching the cows. It is always relaxing to watch them and their peaceful ways. I have seen Bella try to lie […]

More mouths to feed at Fangorn
Bessie shares a kiss with Bangers Their names are Bangers and Mash. They are Friesian steers, just over a year old. We are going to grow them, fatten them up and then eat them. Just like we did with Mr T, who is rather delicious. Mash Being friesians, it’s going to take a while to […]

Good morning! It is. Good morning indeed. I do not get tired of this view because it is ever-changing. When the bushfires were blazing, these hills were drenched in thick smoke. Sometimes it is cloudy or rainy or sunny, and each day this is a beautiful sight to wake up to. We have had some […]

Last time I wrote about Bella, two days ago, I wrote about how we were hoping our newest addition would soon get used to us. If we are going to have her as our pet and maybe milk her one day, she needs to be friendly (at risk of anthropomorphising again). We decided to go […]

Meet Bella
Meet Bella, our new Dexter-cross heifer. She arrived yesterday evening, a pretty and calm 2 1/2 year old pregnant heifer. She arrived with her own name, Bella, and we decided it sounded nice with Bessie, so we are going to keep that name, even though we already have a Bella (Georgie’s special doll). Mr T […]

The secret life of chickens
We still remark at how bad our luck was with our new chicks this year, with only two birds surviving after 24 eggs were incubated by our two hens. The two chicks that we do have are thriving, and we delight in hearing their chirping each day, amidst the clucking of the two hens and […]

We love having babies at Fangorn Farm, especially of the cute yellow fluffy variety! And the gorgeous red four-legged mooing variety, and hopefully the woolly baaing variety one day! Our hens have been sitting on 24 eggs. Nearly a week ago, two chicks hatched. Georgia has been checking on the chicks frequently. She carries them […]

Recently I was walking around the property, when I heard the strange yet familiar sound of a chicken laying an egg. At first I wondered what all the fuss was about, and then I remembered. Eggs. They carry on a bit when they are laying, don’t they! Well, there you have it. One of our […]
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