April 22-28
I love the school holidays. I love the gentle, peaceful pace of things. I love all the time that we have! These holidays have been so good already, with my beautiful friend Amanda and her two children coming to stay! We had such a good time. The children played (the youngest ones slept) and we […]

April 1-7
1/4: I baked some slow-cooked ribeye steaks. They were delicious. Two ribeyes was too much meat for our family of five. 2/4: surprising my children with their Easter bunnies 3/4: packing for Melbourne. I am getting good at packing light! 4/4: visiting the Melbourne Aquarium 5/4: Catching up with the cousins and Sarah 6/4: dinner […]

the view from our back door this morning It’s another beautiful day in the Huon Valley. I love waking up to clear blue skies and bright sunlight that shines on the dew on my garden, making it glisten. I find it beautiful when the mist sits in the valley like this and the sunrise casts […]

School Holidays: my bucket list
I do love my job. I love the constant challenge and the creativity and I love working with children. I love that my job is so social. I love it that I have to think intellectually. I love it that I constantly need to reflect on what I do, make changes and make plans. I […]

17/6/12: A fun day out with the family, including a picnic and buying new plants for our garden! We saw the most amazing rainbow on the way home. lavender that Georgie picked for me 16/6/12: Gardening with Georgie. It was awesome and our gardens are coming along really nicely. 15/6/12: Walking around the garden with […]

Children frolicking on Fangorn Farm
We set out for a wander to visit the cows. Bessie is always happy to see us; she wants food! She doesn’t mind a bit of a pat either. The children had fun running around the (very shallow) dam. Our soil absorbs water so we have trouble filling a dam. Apparently our soil is high […]

4/6/12 – 10/6/12
10/6/12: Monte and I spent the afternoon gardening. We made good progress. The ornamental mulberry looks particularly pretty, with its naked branches spotted with pink berries. 9/6/12: We went to a friend’s birthday party. It was a lot of fun. 8/6/12: I had a fun time feeding Bessie. She’s like a very big, very strong […]

Bessie After Nina dying, it was great to spend time with Bessie during her evening feed. She’s friendly, strong and cute. She loves the milk formula and always wants more. After her feed she nudges and sniffs me to get more. When we feed her we pat and stroke her all over so she gets […]
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