June 18, 2019. I’m back. I’ve decided to give my blog a facelift and start writing again. Now that I’ve worked out how to log in (it has been a while), I’ll leave you with this post, which I wrote on January 18, 2016, and left in draft mode for over two years. I don’t know where […]

Ok, so I haven’t been posting much lately. I’ve been growing this: Which is making me look like this: 14 weeks Our fourth baby is due on Feb 11, but will probably be induced 3 weeks early like our other babies because of my antibodies, which are already quite high. Despite being my fourth pregnancy, […]

Kids and their photos
Children love taking photos don’t they?! Our Matthew is especially keen to take photos and he often borrows (or sneaks away) my phone to take pictures. Recently, at Dark Mofo, Matthew took this pretty cool wavy photo of the flares that would ignite sporadically, causing quite a stir in the crowd. I am so glad […]

Matty’s timeline
At the end of last term at school, Matthew had to make a timeline of his life thus far. He had to collect photos of important events in his life and bring them to school and place them in order on his timeline. He is still talking about his timeline, wondering whether he should add […]

Ten things to tell your children every day
There are some things I like to tell my children every day. Or, at least, there are things I think about each day; sometimes I fall short of sharing these thoughts with my children, though I aim to. With a big family, we have to make conscious efforts to make each child feel special, loved […]

Easter bunnies! {knitting pattern}
I like to make the children gifts for Easter. They don’t get a lot of chocolate (and even that seems like too much!), so I like to give them a little toy as well. Sometimes I get around to making them something – sometimes, like last year, I don’t. I knitted these little bunnies. I […]

It’s Saturday morning and the fire is cranking. The Esse is hot and the house is warm. So warm that I have to keep some windows open so we get a cool breeze (and the sounds of rain, birds and frogs) flowing through the house. I love autumn. There are five children in the house […]

Being in the garden
colourful food It was about 6:00 in the evening. Monte was out at a meeting. The children had been fed and bathed and there was still time before bed, so they asked if we could go outside. The weather was beautiful and mild. I thought it was a great idea. We let the chickens out […]
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