The easiest muffins you’ll ever make
Hello! I haven’t posted on here for a long time. It’s not that I’ve nothing to say: I keep thinking of blog post ideas. I think it’s a time thing. And an energy thing. And the thing where you’d like a few moments to yourself so you can write, before you get too tired. […]
2016 Goals
And this is the time of year that I set myself some goals and publish them on my little blog. It holds me accountable. It makes me want to achieve the things I’ve set out to do. Grow more food. Each year we are getting closer to our goal of living sustainably on our […]
June 2015 It has been a good year! For Georgia, 2015 was her final year of primary school, a bittersweet concoction of emotion. She represented her class on the SRC for the second time and worked on the school’s magazine committee. The grade 6s had their school camp in Melbourne, which she loved. Our […]
Keeping Rabbits for meat
Our rabbits, Clover and Thumper, are Brittish Giant x New Zealand Giant White rabbits, and are bred for meat. Our girls are about 6 months old and they’re adorable. We got them from some friends who raise rabbits. We decided to try rabbits again for several reasons. Firstly, after Naigee died a few months ago, […]
Eleven Months
Well, the monthly photo with Trigg bear is getting more and more difficult each month! There’s too much to do to spend time lying down next to that little bear (the same bear who seemed enormous the day he arrived at our home – the same day Sarah came home from hospital)! Sarah is […]
Goals: revisited
The beautiful Swansea, east coast of Tasmania Back in January I wrote this post about my goals for the year. I have been remembering these goals throughout the year, so I thought I’d do a re-cap about them to show you how crap I am at sticking to them. Decluttering: I am gradually going through everything, […]
Last night we put down our old cat, Naigee. She seemed perfectly fine yesterday, but in the evening, just as we were finishing dinner, she came into the living room yowling. She was paralysed in her back legs and tail and had become incontinent. I put her in a basket to try to keep […]
9 months
Well isn’t Sarah a big bundle of joy! She is such a busy bee. She crawls quickly, following me around everywhere. She seems much happier since she began crawling (over a month ago now, so she’s quite good at it!). I think she likes exploring a bit too much. She is pulling herself up on […]
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