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Elora, 4 weeks...

Elora, 4 weeks…

All dressed up for Georgia’s party At one month Hmmm. Last time I wanted to write a post it was to comment on Elora Jane at 3 weeks. Now she is 4 weeks old. Time flies! How is the little darling? Elora is great. She is sleeping well at night, waking me just once in the […]

20/10/2010: Georgia is Seven!

20/10/2010: Georgia is Seven!

We are so proud of our beautiful daughter. The past seven years have been wonderful, as we have witnessed our firstborn blossom and grow into an angelic, confident, beautiful little girl. Georgia was just 4 years old when we moved to Tasmania. She loves it here. She loves living in the country, with all the […]

Happy 90th Birthday, Nanna

Happy 90th Birthday, Nanna

Nanna, 1938 Audrey Kenny is my nanna and today is her 90th birthday! Although I am not in Adelaide to celebrate the day with her, I am thinking of her and the family… Happy 90th Birthday nanna, you are very dear to me and I love you very much! Like sunshine peeping through the window […]



I am behind in my posts for two reasons: 1) I had a baby last week; 2) Monte is always using the computer that I want to use. I’ll just take advantage of a moment when Monte is making lunch to write this post. Georgia and Matty are on the computer next to me and […]

Elora Jane Yvonne

Elora Jane Yvonne

Elora, 5 days old Welcome to the world, little Elora Jane Yvonne, born October 4th, 2010 at 6:10pm. Weight = 7lb 14oz or 3575g. Length = 51cm. HC =  32.5cm The name “Elora” is a form of Eleanor. It is of Greek origin and means “Sunlight” and Elora is our “Little Ray of Sunshine.” Her […]