I like to make the children gifts for Easter. They don’t get a lot of chocolate (and even that seems like too much!), so I like to give them a little toy as well. Sometimes I get around to making them something – sometimes, like last year, I don’t.
I knitted these little bunnies. I got the idea from this website, although I altered the pattern a bit. They were quick, easy and fiddly to knit and sew up, but I enjoyed the process a lot! I could make tonnes of these bunnies, or dolls, because they are so cute! You could omit the ears and use all kinds of yarn to make different dolls. You could even knit little clothes for them! Eek!
To make a bunny, you will need:
:: scraps of 8 ply yarn in 2 colours (main, body)
:: darning needle
:: embroidery needle
:: embroidery floss
:: pair of 3.25mm knitting needles
:: 4mm crochet hook
:: toy stuffing
To make the head and body:
:: cast on 20 stitches in bunny (main) colour, leaving a long tail
:: knit in stocking stitch for 10 rows
:: change to body colour and knit in stocking stitch (or garter, for something different) for 14 rows.
:: cast off, leaving a long tail
The face:
:: embroider the face onto the centre of the head
To make the ears (make 2):
:: cast on 10 stitches
:: knit in stocking stitch for 6 rows
:: cast off
The ears, arms and legs will curl around, giving them a 3D appearance. Leave a long tail for the limbs and ears so you can sew them onto the bunny.
To make the arms (make 2):
:: cast on 6 stitches
:: knit in SS for 6 rows
:: cast off
To make legs (make 2)
:: cast on 8 stitches
:: knit in SS for 6 rows
:: cast off
Sewing it up:
:: at top of head, weave tail through the cast on stitches and gather together. Secure.
:: using mattress or whip stitch, stitch the sides of the head together.
:: stuff head with toy stuffing.
:: weave yarn (head colour) through the last row of the head
:: draw yarn in, gathering the knitted fabric to make the neck.
:: secure ends.
:: stitch sides of body together
:: stuff body
:: stitch bottom of body closed and secure
:: trim leftover tails of yarn
:: Sew the ears, arms and legs onto the head/body, using small stitches and securing well. Work around the pieces – don’t sew them in a straight line. NB for the ears, I sewed mine so the edges of the fabric faced the front, whereas the edges if the fabric face the back for the limbs.
:: darn in loose ends
For the skirt (optional):
:: using crochet hook, join yarn to the bottom of the body.
:: (round 1) crochet a row of dc along the base of the body, joining each stitch to the knitted stitches.
:: (round 2) treble crochet in each dc
:: join to first tr with a slip stitch
:: tie off
Another idea: for trousers, CO 6 in trousers colour. SS for 4 rows, then 4 rows of rabbit colour, then cast off.
These are easy and cute. My kids were really excited to receive their bunnies. They had seen me making something but they didn’t know what they were. It was pretty cute watching them play together with their bunnies!
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