Family Bushwalk
It seems like so long ago now. It was the first weekend of winter, to be precise, so almost 2 months ago (isn’t it marvellous that we are almost in the last month of winter!?). It was a sunny day and we decided to go on a little Bushwalk. Alum cliffs is in Kingston, so […]

Frost and a lone toadstool in a bunch of weeds. The other day it was -5 degrees and very frosty at 8am when I left for work. It was 0 degrees at work for most of the day, although it did get to 2 at lunch time. When I left for work, a little later […]

It’s Saturday morning and the fire is cranking. The Esse is hot and the house is warm. So warm that I have to keep some windows open so we get a cool breeze (and the sounds of rain, birds and frogs) flowing through the house. I love autumn. There are five children in the house […]

the view from our back door this morning It’s another beautiful day in the Huon Valley. I love waking up to clear blue skies and bright sunlight that shines on the dew on my garden, making it glisten. I find it beautiful when the mist sits in the valley like this and the sunrise casts […]

Good morning! It is. Good morning indeed. I do not get tired of this view because it is ever-changing. When the bushfires were blazing, these hills were drenched in thick smoke. Sometimes it is cloudy or rainy or sunny, and each day this is a beautiful sight to wake up to. We have had some […]

Geeveston Christmas parade and carols
The Geeveston Christmas parade and carols evening was a lovely event, as usual. Most of the population of the town seemed to be in the parade and it went for quite a while. We all chose to watch it together this year; in previous years some or all of us have been in it. It […]

Beautiful morning
It is a beautiful morning in the valley. I woke early and went to make cups of tea, and I was greeted by this beautiful view! I love it when the fog trails at the base of the mountains like this. The sky is clear and the sun is rising, spreading golden rays everywhere. Unfortunately […]

Where we live
We live on a hill, overlooking the valley that is Geeveston and beyond. It is very beautiful. In fact, it was this view that sold the property to us, despite the steep driveway. We’ve been here five years now. It has taken nearly that long for me to adjust to being more isolated from the […]
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