Hello 2013
I am not going to set myself too many goals for this year. I feel like I am entering the new year quite peacefully, being gentle with myself and trying not to expect too much from myself. I am beginning this new year extremely tired. 2012 was so busy and our Christmas and our holiday […]

Last time I wrote about Bella, two days ago, I wrote about how we were hoping our newest addition would soon get used to us. If we are going to have her as our pet and maybe milk her one day, she needs to be friendly (at risk of anthropomorphising again). We decided to go […]

Meet Bella
Meet Bella, our new Dexter-cross heifer. She arrived yesterday evening, a pretty and calm 2 1/2 year old pregnant heifer. She arrived with her own name, Bella, and we decided it sounded nice with Bessie, so we are going to keep that name, even though we already have a Bella (Georgie’s special doll). Mr T […]

Best place ever
Since I was a very young girl I have had the dream of living on a farm. I wanted to collect eggs in the morning. I wanted to ride my pony in the evenings. I wanted to have sheep and cows, and lush green pastures. I wanted to grow flowers and vegetables and sit by […]

Evening cow herding
We are loving the longer days. It was fun eating dinner on the deck and then going into the paddocks to move Bessie. Somehow, Mr T had escaped out of the top paddock, so we moved Bessie into a new paddock with Mr T. It was a family affair, and Georgia was very helpful, carrying […]

Yep. We now have four ewes in the paddocks surround our house. They are about a year old. They are Coopworths, which is a good wet weather sheep that has a good chance of twin births. They seem so small, and they are dwarfed by the paddocks. The grass is lush and they seem to […]

Where we live
We live on a hill, overlooking the valley that is Geeveston and beyond. It is very beautiful. In fact, it was this view that sold the property to us, despite the steep driveway. We’ve been here five years now. It has taken nearly that long for me to adjust to being more isolated from the […]

We love having babies at Fangorn Farm, especially of the cute yellow fluffy variety! And the gorgeous red four-legged mooing variety, and hopefully the woolly baaing variety one day! Our hens have been sitting on 24 eggs. Nearly a week ago, two chicks hatched. Georgia has been checking on the chicks frequently. She carries them […]
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