
Snow at Fangorn Farm!

Snow at Fangorn Farm!

We woke up on Monday, August 3, to the sight of snow lying thick all over our property. We were so excited. There was lots of squealing! Tasmania experienced a freak snow event, where it was snowing right down to sea level on Monday and Wednesday. We had snow resting on our property up to […]



It was March 2000. I remember going to the RSPCA animal shelter, excited to choose a puppy. We had been married for a year and a puppy was going to be our anniversary present. We fell in love with d’Artagnan straight away and brought her home to our little townhouse in Mitchell Park. Naigee, who […]

Snippets of farm stuff

Snippets of farm stuff

We do love our chickens! Chelsea is sitting on some eggs. We enjoy gathering eggs each day. It’s sometimes difficult to use as many eggs as we are getting each day but it’s such a great part of our day. We have a couple of newborn lambs – both boys. This one had only just […]

Midnight miracle

Midnight miracle

Monte called me yesterday. I was driving home from playgroup and he was trying to get me to guess what he was holding. I was getting stressed by his playful guessing game. I was getting worried that one of my pets had died. And then he said: “just guess. It’s small and fluffy.” I said: […]

Another baby for Fangorn!

Another baby for Fangorn!

I’m super excited to announce a new birth at Fangorn! Meet Daisy! We were talking with the painter (!) when Georgie ran over to us, excitedly exclaiming that “the new calf has arrived!” I was puzzled because the new steers arrived a few weeks ago. She was jumping up and down, pointing into the paddock. […]