October Birthdays
Our two daughters have birthdays in October. When I was pregnant with Elora, her due date was actually Georgia’s birthday! I’m glad I have my babies early :) Elora’s birthday was on a Saturday. We had a morning tea party with some of her friends. It was a very nice morning! The children sat around […]

Silver linings
About a month or so ago, we bought the children a couple of rabbits. Midnight, a purebred Dutch bunny Flopsy, a dwarf lop Georgie has been excellent at looking after them. Three times a day, at least, she has been checking their food and water, and giving them fresh grass and cuddles and playtime. We […]

Our little triathlete
Yesterday Georgia participated in the Tasmanian schools triathlon challenge at Bellerieve oval. We could not be more proud. Georgia is the type of child who wants to try everything. Even when she was in kinder she was so brave and confident. So much so that she sang into the microphone in school assemblies, and for […]

Georgie is nine!
Oh my! I remember this moment like it was nearly yesterday (but not quite): She was 3.6 kilos. When she was born, after a wonderful, 3 hour labour, I laughed and cried and cooed, and gasped in wonder and awe, and held her and felt like that was my purpose in life: to love her. […]

Fabric Friday: Georgie’s choice
I went to Spotlight with Georgie a few weeks ago. She chose this fabric, after going a bit dizzy with all the choices of colour, weights, patterns and styles. Georgie’s idea is to make a skirt for herself and a dress for Ella, so the two girls match. I bought 1.5m of this lightweight cotton […]
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