Children frolicking on Fangorn Farm
We set out for a wander to visit the cows. Bessie is always happy to see us; she wants food! She doesn’t mind a bit of a pat either. The children had fun running around the (very shallow) dam. Our soil absorbs water so we have trouble filling a dam. Apparently our soil is high […]

Bessie After Nina dying, it was great to spend time with Bessie during her evening feed. She’s friendly, strong and cute. She loves the milk formula and always wants more. After her feed she nudges and sniffs me to get more. When we feed her we pat and stroke her all over so she gets […]

Kitchen Surprise!
No, we didn’t eat him! Last night, when I let Naigee the cat inside, I got more than I bargained for when a frog started hopping around the kitchen! It was pouring with rain. I imagine there are frogs everywhere around our house right now. We hear them all the time – night and day! […]

Welcome, Bessie!
baby Bessie Nina and Bessie I was like a proud, new parent this afternoon, when I sent off some text messages announcing the arrival of Bessie, born to Nina this afternoon! Monte had been collecting the washing when he spotted the pair: Nina was licking Bessie, who was still damp from birth, and lying on […]

It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to bring down the grocery bill. We have a lot of food growing (soon the potatoes will be ready) and I feel pleased to be surrounded by things we have grown. tomatoes of mixed heirloom varieties add colour on our dining table as they ripen in the warmth […]

They’re here!
Our special delivery looked something like this: Yep. We have cows at Fangorn Farm! It’s very exciting. They are so lovely! We adore the little calf! He’s so cute! We’re expecting a couple more special deliveries – two more calves will be born! Excuse me while I look out the window… Oh look! Cows! They […]

Plaiting Garlic!
They say that it’s a good idea to plant garlic on the winter solstice and harvest it on the summer solstice, and we pretty much did that this year (albeit a few weeks late on the summer end). I remember planting out 365 garlic cloves with Monte way back in June. We planted different varieties, […]
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