More mouths to feed at Fangorn
Bessie shares a kiss with Bangers Their names are Bangers and Mash. They are Friesian steers, just over a year old. We are going to grow them, fatten them up and then eat them. Just like we did with Mr T, who is rather delicious. Mash Being friesians, it’s going to take a while to […]

Feeding Bessie
We went to see the cows. They ran towards us, smelling the cow pellets in the steel buckets. They look funny when they run. They are so big, yet they can run and bound, heaving their heavy bodies up the hill towards us. Bessie was the first to see us and run. Then Mr T […]

Bessie After Nina dying, it was great to spend time with Bessie during her evening feed. She’s friendly, strong and cute. She loves the milk formula and always wants more. After her feed she nudges and sniffs me to get more. When we feed her we pat and stroke her all over so she gets […]

Welcome, Bessie!
baby Bessie Nina and Bessie I was like a proud, new parent this afternoon, when I sent off some text messages announcing the arrival of Bessie, born to Nina this afternoon! Monte had been collecting the washing when he spotted the pair: Nina was licking Bessie, who was still damp from birth, and lying on […]
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