Snippets of the winter holidays

Unfortunately the winter school holidays are coming to an end. We have had a quiet time these holidays, involving a few birthdays, a party, catching up with dear friends, cooking, knitting and resting.

I think it’s always a bit harder for Monte to work when the children and I are all on holidays. He is a bit more accustomed to peace and quiet during the day and the kids make a fair bit of noise as they play. Nevertheless, he is shut away in his office working very long hours.


I had a birthday! A very quiet one.


Monte laid the first of the pavers out the front of the house. It’s going to be great!


I made plenty of vegetable soup. It is my favourite recipe. Rich and sweet and very nourishing.


This lovely boy turned seven! Time really does fly when you are having fun and you’re a busy parent! He is just the bees knees. He really wanted to go to the museum for his birthday, so we did! It was fun.


Matty had a party with some friends. We made him a Skylanders Portal of Power cake. A chocolate cake with plain icing, surrounded with chocolate biscuits. It was a simple but very delicious cake.


We caught up with our dear friends the Dohertys over the weekend. We spent time in Hobart with them and then they came to stay at our house the following night. It is so good to see them. We have been friends since Kristen and I did our teaching degrees together!


I cooked with Georgia, teaching her my vegetable soup recipe. I am proud of her.


And I got some knitting done. Not a great deal, but enough to remind me that creating things brings me joy.