Snippets of farm stuff
We do love our chickens! Chelsea is sitting on some eggs. We enjoy gathering eggs each day. It’s sometimes difficult to use as many eggs as we are getting each day but it’s such a great part of our day. We have a couple of newborn lambs – both boys. This one had only just […]

Frost and a lone toadstool in a bunch of weeds. The other day it was -5 degrees and very frosty at 8am when I left for work. It was 0 degrees at work for most of the day, although it did get to 2 at lunch time. When I left for work, a little later […]

Being in the garden
colourful food It was about 6:00 in the evening. Monte was out at a meeting. The children had been fed and bathed and there was still time before bed, so they asked if we could go outside. The weather was beautiful and mild. I thought it was a great idea. We let the chickens out […]

Well, it’s valentines day so this is kind of a good topic for today. We don’t usually recognise valentines day, monte and I, but today monte came home from teaching a class and gave me some flowers and chocolate! I know! And we opened a cold bottle of champagne and had a few champers together […]

Trying something new
I’ve seen a lot of pins on Pinterest (why are so many of my sentences beginning like this these days?) about alternatives to pasta. For a few years now Monte and I have been using cooked, shredded cabbage instead of pasta. This evening I tried grated zucchini instead of pasta! The children asked for pasta […]

Spinach and bacon quiche
Two simple things that bring me joy are: harvesting food from my garden and using it to make a delicious and nourishing meal for my family. I picked some vegetables today. I picked lettuce, beetroot, zucchinis, spinach (perennial spinach) and spring onions. We ate most of the vegetables in salads but I decided to make […]

Lettuce is a big part of our diet. We grow lettuce in the garden. We put it in our salads, along with other fresh goodies. I love to go out to the garden and pick stuff to eat. I can breathe deeper out in the garden. I like to check on the growth of the […]

Accidental Gardening
As I am beginning to find my way through the addictive enjoyment that comes from gardening, I am learning quite a bit – purely by trial and error. Some things happen purely by accident, and I call this ‘accidental gardening’ because that’s what it seems like: an accident. However, from these little accidents in our […]
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