3 Responses

  1. Rebecca
    Rebecca January 28, 2013 at 7:13 am |

    Hi Emma
    We used to cook shredded cabbage with a dash of both apple cider vinegar and chilli sauce. We’d simmer it for about 30 minutes so it was nice and tender, and we used to eat that with everything. These days we are even more boring. We shred the cabbage and steam it in the electric steamer. We eat it plain! What is the world coming to?? We can season it if we like but often we might just mix it into a curry or bolognese or something. We cook half a cabbage at a time, so we have half of it left over for next time, when we can just microwave it. Easy! :)

  2. Emma
    Emma January 25, 2013 at 1:11 pm |

    Hi Rebecca, this is a great idea! Could you tell me how you cook the cabbage when you use it instead of pasta (do you use a stock or anything?). Thanks!

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