How did this happen? {and a poem}
This is Elora on our first morning with her out in the big world. I had been awake most of the night, gazing at her, in awe of how preciously perfect she was (is). I mean, how perfect is she? So pretty and peaceful and beautiful. Just what I wanted and hoped for: my healthy […]

Easter bunnies! {knitting pattern}
I like to make the children gifts for Easter. They don’t get a lot of chocolate (and even that seems like too much!), so I like to give them a little toy as well. Sometimes I get around to making them something – sometimes, like last year, I don’t. I knitted these little bunnies. I […]

Being in the garden
colourful food It was about 6:00 in the evening. Monte was out at a meeting. The children had been fed and bathed and there was still time before bed, so they asked if we could go outside. The weather was beautiful and mild. I thought it was a great idea. We let the chickens out […]

The story of the Lego office
Matthew has a lovely little mate called Sebastian. They are awesome little friends; they are very cute when playing together and they are on the same wavelength in all things. When Sebastian came to play a few days ago, he built this little office for Matthew. Inside the office, the dad is working hard, and […]

Conversations with a toddler
We are really enjoying Elora. She is older and easier now, having been our most demanding child to date. I wouldn’t call her difficult – none of our children have been ‘difficult’ – but she certainly has a very strong personality. Little Elora, 15 hours old From the day she came home from hospital she […]

Testing out the sound
I love her crazy hair. I love her gorgeous smile. I love it when she chats to me, Jumping and hopping all the while. She loves music. She tested out the sound. She placed the earphones on her head And started to dance around. She must have felt so grown up In the shop with […]

Our little triathlete
Yesterday Georgia participated in the Tasmanian schools triathlon challenge at Bellerieve oval. We could not be more proud. Georgia is the type of child who wants to try everything. Even when she was in kinder she was so brave and confident. So much so that she sang into the microphone in school assemblies, and for […]

Learning to jump
Elora can jump. She has been practicing so much that she is quite the expert. I love it when toddlers start learning to jump. It looks like it is quite challenging at first: the heaves and hos that go into the process! It’s endearing. As I hold her hand and take her for little strolls, […]
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