Waste-free nappies
We’re trying to reduce our waste, as you probably already know. It’s a big goal for us right now. I’ve used cloth nappies for all our babies, from terry squares to all-in-ones (nappies that contain the absorbent layers and waterproof outer layer in one piece, which is often adjustable in order to fit different sizes). […]

October Birthdays
Our two daughters have birthdays in October. When I was pregnant with Elora, her due date was actually Georgia’s birthday! I’m glad I have my babies early :) Elora’s birthday was on a Saturday. We had a morning tea party with some of her friends. It was a very nice morning! The children sat around […]

Easy cake for kids to bake {recipe}
I’ve seen this idea on Pinterest so I’m not claiming it as my own idea, but it’s a great idea. We’ve tried it a few times and the cake in this post was made by Elora, age 3. ingredients 1 can crushed pineapple in syrup 1 packet butter cake mix method – Mix cake mix […]

Writing on the wall
I keep finding Elora’s writing all over the house. Most of the time it’s on her paper or scrapbooks or notebooks. Sometimes she traces her finger along the window and writes or draws on the windows thick with condensation. Sometimes I find her writing on the walls, or doors, like in the above photo. I […]

Those moments
daffodils sourced from the side of our road Every now and then I have that warm fuzzy feeling that my world is spinning around just perfectly. You know – when you feel organised; you’ve cleaned the house; there are fresh flowers on the table; you have a plan for dinner; the sun is shining and […]

Kids and their photos
Children love taking photos don’t they?! Our Matthew is especially keen to take photos and he often borrows (or sneaks away) my phone to take pictures. Recently, at Dark Mofo, Matthew took this pretty cool wavy photo of the flares that would ignite sporadically, causing quite a stir in the crowd. I am so glad […]

Matty’s timeline
At the end of last term at school, Matthew had to make a timeline of his life thus far. He had to collect photos of important events in his life and bring them to school and place them in order on his timeline. He is still talking about his timeline, wondering whether he should add […]

Ten things to tell your children every day
There are some things I like to tell my children every day. Or, at least, there are things I think about each day; sometimes I fall short of sharing these thoughts with my children, though I aim to. With a big family, we have to make conscious efforts to make each child feel special, loved […]
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