Salmon patties
We went out for a picnic tea with some friends earlier in the week. I made a quiche and some salmon patties, and took some sliced vegetables and chocolate cake as well. I love picnics! I love preparing the food and getting a picnic basket and packing it with goodies. On the way to the […]

Slumber party cake
To celebrate her recent birthday, Georgia had a few friends over for a slumber party on Friday. The girls came to our house after school. Having the sleepover on a Friday was a great idea because the girls then had the whole weekend to recover. We set the pick up time at around 10:00am. The […]

22/10/12 – 29/10/12
28/10/12: what an awesome day! The weather has been fantastic and we enjoyed a productive family day. I’m so happy! 27/10/12: him 26/10/12: Georgie’s sleepover to celebrate her ninth birthday! 25/10/12: today is the Hobart royal show public holiday. I cuddled Elora as we watched Cinderella. 24/10/12: Georgie won a guess-the-number-of-lollypops-in-the-jar competition. She won movie […]

Chicks Update
I mentioned that we have some new chicks. Georgie is still really enjoying caring for them. We started with 24 eggs under two hens. Unfortunately our luck has not been good this time around. Four hatched but two died. Several chicks began to hatch but then they died. Some of the eggs got crushed. Eventually […]

Georgie is nine!
Oh my! I remember this moment like it was nearly yesterday (but not quite): She was 3.6 kilos. When she was born, after a wonderful, 3 hour labour, I laughed and cried and cooed, and gasped in wonder and awe, and held her and felt like that was my purpose in life: to love her. […]

Evening cow herding
We are loving the longer days. It was fun eating dinner on the deck and then going into the paddocks to move Bessie. Somehow, Mr T had escaped out of the top paddock, so we moved Bessie into a new paddock with Mr T. It was a family affair, and Georgia was very helpful, carrying […]

Yep. We now have four ewes in the paddocks surround our house. They are about a year old. They are Coopworths, which is a good wet weather sheep that has a good chance of twin births. They seem so small, and they are dwarfed by the paddocks. The grass is lush and they seem to […]

15/10/12 – 21/10/12
21/10/12: for the first time in maybe 9 years, Monte and I had a quiet day, just chillaxing and reading and eating freshly baked choc chip cookies. The children played happily and quietly, or slept, and it was peaceful and lovely. 20/10/12: Georgie turned 9 today. We had a fantastic day together. We’re so proud […]
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