29/4/12: monte is such a doting father. When it comes to Elora, he is completely smitten. The pair had a jolly play in the playground at a birthday party today. 28/4/12: A day of picnicking, exploring and getting rained on. Such fun! 27/4/12: Welcome Bessie! 26/4/12: She’s 18 months, going on 4 years. Now she’s […]

Fish Molee
Fish Molee I used 3 large Ling fillets to make this succulent fish curry. I really like fish curry. Fish is wonderful, and in curries it tends to soak up the flavours; it goes particularly nicely with coconut milk! Another bonus is that it cooks quickly! This meal will take, maybe, 20 minutes to cook. […]

Welcome, Bessie!
baby Bessie Nina and Bessie I was like a proud, new parent this afternoon, when I sent off some text messages announcing the arrival of Bessie, born to Nina this afternoon! Monte had been collecting the washing when he spotted the pair: Nina was licking Bessie, who was still damp from birth, and lying on […]

Fabric Friday: vintage cot sheets
My mum set up Elora’s cot with these cot sheets I had when I was a baby, which makes them 21 years old (wink wink)! They are lovely; all soft and worn. I love the cute little animals in their reds and yellows. Then I started to imagine myself as a little bub, sleeping on […]

16/4/12 – 22/4/12
22/4/12: being in Adelaide. Seeing friends and family. The funniest moment was being caught in the middle of a flashmob at ikea! All around us, as we made our way to the counters, people sprang from the aisles, dancing … In their pajamas! 21/4/12: on a plane to Adelaide, I enjoyed watching the sunrise. It […]

Forestry burn-off
It’s that time of year again. Autumn. And it means that forestry Tasmania is doing its burn-offs. This was what we were faced with on our way home this evening. At first I was thinking how red the clouds were, for there were some pretty clouds and the sunlight was playing on them nicely. However, […]

It’s a bit exciting! After over 2 years of living in the house, the final coat on the outside of the strawbale home is being rendered! Our house has been covered in pink plastic mesh for so long that looking at my non-pink, rendered home brings a tear to my eye! The render looks brown […]

9/4/12 – 15/4/12
15/4/12: a day out at Catamaran, which is near the very south of Australia, near Cockle Creek. Monte went diving for Abalone and we had fun in the beach, walking, watching, eating. I have love love loved having my mum visit. 14/4/12: today has been a magnificent day. To make it more superb, our rendering […]
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