I try to make a habit of cooking lots on Sundays. I always bake for school lunches, but now that I’m working more, I try to make meals to store in the fridge and freezer, as well as getting food organized and planning the weekly menu. Menu planning is something we have done for about […]
They’re here!
Our special delivery looked something like this: Yep. We have cows at Fangorn Farm! It’s very exciting. They are so lovely! We adore the little calf! He’s so cute! We’re expecting a couple more special deliveries – two more calves will be born! Excuse me while I look out the window… Oh look! Cows! They […]
Teddy bear’s picnic
If the weather is nice on Saturday morning we often have a teddy bears picnic outside on the deck. The children gather their toys, books and some blankets and set things up. I gather teddy bear food and we make muffins, pancakes or scones. We take the food and drinks outside on trays and spend […]
Birthday cake
We have a tradition that when Monte’s parents visit us, we have a birthday cake to celebrate the birthdays that we have missed and will miss whilst we are apart. It is a way of connecting and celebrating together because it is during the special times, such as birthdays, when we really notice that we […]
Zucchini soup
Matthew was excited to pick zucchinis from the garden. We chopped up some onion and garlic and sautéed them in butter. We added the zucchini, which was sliced in rounds with their skins on. When it had been cooking for a while and the zucchinis had softened, we added about half a cup of cream. […]
The lovely SJ asked what mizuna is. We use it as a salad green, similar to rocket, because of its strong peppery taste. I think it’s a brassica and it’s Japanese. It’s fairly easy to grow. We have it growing with our tomatoes. We’ve got three big bushes of the stuff, but because of its […]
Fangorn garden salad
I’m totally excited to share about the salad that we grew in our garden. I eat salad all the time. To prevent it from getting boring, we add lots of different ingredients. This salad is different because it has a real ‘bite!’ it’s quite tangy/spicey. Fangorn Garden Salad Cos lettuce Butter lettuce Mizuna Vietnamese mint […]
Plaiting Garlic!
They say that it’s a good idea to plant garlic on the winter solstice and harvest it on the summer solstice, and we pretty much did that this year (albeit a few weeks late on the summer end). I remember planting out 365 garlic cloves with Monte way back in June. We planted different varieties, […]
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