
Getting ready...

Getting ready…

I love being on holidays. I love the slower pace. I love having the children home and I love listening to them play. I love playing with them too, and talking to them about their games, friends, plans and dreams. I love not having to do the morning rush with school uniforms, lunches and the […]



And this concludes my 365 reasons to smile for 2012! I love to look back through the year and read about what made me smile. I am grateful for my blessings. It is always good to focus on the positive moments of your life, rather than the negative. I will definitely be continuing this project […]



23/12/12: we spent a day with our children’s cousins. It was fantastic. 22/12/12: we travelled to Adelaide, to spend Christmas with family and friends. 21/12/12: I finished these Santa sacks, thanks to the three excited, energetic children who allowed mummy some ‘me’ time. 20/12/12: we went to the EOY Mass at Georgie and Matthew’s school. […]