Study nook
This is my study nook: view from the kitchen stove In our original house plan, there was going to be an enormous linen cupboard here. It is almost 2m long. It would have been a great cupboard. However, on looking at the space at the end of the hall, I thought it was too much […]

Hello 2013
I am not going to set myself too many goals for this year. I feel like I am entering the new year quite peacefully, being gentle with myself and trying not to expect too much from myself. I am beginning this new year extremely tired. 2012 was so busy and our Christmas and our holiday […]

Goodbye 2012
2012 was a good year. In many ways it was a quiet year for us – plodding along, working a bit too much but also using our time to work on the house/property as well as see more of the state and go on some family adventures. For me personally, I think 2012 was a […]

Winning NaNoWriMo 2012
Yes! I won NaNoWriMo 2012. I wrote over 52000 words in November. I crossed the line on Wednesday November 28. I didn’t have the same exhilaration as I did last year. I did not cry with relief. What happened was I crossed the line and could not stop writing. I kept writing. I kept going […]

How I manage
If I had a dollar for every time somebody has asked me how I cope, I would have a lot more dollars than I do now. When I was working full time, many people asked me how I managed to do that plus be a mother to three children. Even though I am now working […]

Well, School holidays are over. I feel sad. It has been so wonderful, spending the time with our children. It has been great having Grandma and Poppa staying with us. I almost feel rested now but I could easily spend another few weeks on holidays, catching more snuggles with my babies. I miss them when […]

School Holidays: my bucket list
I do love my job. I love the constant challenge and the creativity and I love working with children. I love that my job is so social. I love it that I have to think intellectually. I love it that I constantly need to reflect on what I do, make changes and make plans. I […]

A solitary exploration on the farm
This may not be a big deal to many people, but it’s a big deal to me. I got a chance to go for a solitary wander last weekend, between laundry, cooking, animals and children. Getting some fresh air and walking up and down and over our hilly farm was just what I needed. I […]
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