Handmade Christmas
Four weeks until Christmas! A few months ago, I decided to make a lot of our Christmas gifts this year. The decision came about because I am tired of plastic toys and junk that accumulates in our house. I’ve done so much sorting and purging that I dare not add to the plastic fray under […]

28+ weeks
I’m excited. I am happy. I am dreaming of our new little one and cannot wait to hold our baby in my arms and see Monte’s eyes water at the sight and sounds and smells of our newest child. I am happily crocheting a blanket and I feel it’s snuggliness and imagine wrapping up the […]

Pregnant working mum
I put these three words together in a sentence and just the idea makes me feel exhausted. At 27 weeks into my fourth pregnancy I foresee the next 6 weeks of work as an uphill challenge. I work just three days a week. By the end of the third day I literally fall asleep when […]

I think of all the times I’ve commented on a pregnant lady’s bulging belly. Usually, with wide eyes, I’ll say something like (jokingly) ‘did you swallow a watermelon?’ Or ‘are you having a baby?’ Or ‘your tummy is so big!’ It’s not that I want to offend. It’s just that I find a round belly […]

Spring Holiday Highlights (part 2)
We spent a bit of time in the garden. Georgia did the mowing with the ride-on mower. She did a good job. And Elora had a ride on the mower with daddy! One of my past students, Rachel, came to visit us with her beautiful family. Rachel was travelling around Tasmania at the time. We […]

Spring holiday highlights (Part 1)
We had lovely spring holidays, shared with Monte’s parents. The weather was fairly average, but we did have some lovely days where the sun shone (if only for a while!). There was a lovely mix between going on fun outings and having quiet, restful moments. The Holidays started a bit early for our family, with […]

19 weeks
If I’m going to have this baby early like the others, I am now at least halfway through my pregnancy. It has been a fairly rough start, with yucky morning sickness as well as gastro bugs and sinusitis and head colds and a general feeling of fatigue. I love feeling the baby wriggle and kick […]

Those moments
daffodils sourced from the side of our road Every now and then I have that warm fuzzy feeling that my world is spinning around just perfectly. You know – when you feel organised; you’ve cleaned the house; there are fresh flowers on the table; you have a plan for dinner; the sun is shining and […]
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