After the storm comes a rainbow. Beautiful, bright and magical. A promise of good things to come. A reminder that beauty and love and goodness exists in this world even in the midst of sorrow. A reminder of hope. A deliverer of joy. Deciding to make another baby after losing our precious daughter was easy. […]

I’d have to say that June has seen me transform, a lot. In January, when we lost our precious baby (no cause was found – she was perfect and I had a perfect pregnancy, so her death will remain a mystery), I thought I would never, ever be happy again. Ever. Five months later, and […]

Easter Holidays 2014
We have had lovely holidays! They began with a delightful visit from Monte’s sister Sarah and her family. They stayed with us for a week over Easter and we had a great time together. One of the highlights was that Sarah and Russell minded the children so Monte and I could have a night away […]

From little things, big things grow
The past two months have taught me to (try to) live each day like it’s my last. To enjoy the little things. To embrace the goodness in my life. To honour Charlotte by making each day the best I can, not just for me but for my family. It’s not easy. I know it’ll get […]

Awesome pyjama party
We’re doing our best to make life fun for the children. Making as many moments to laugh together and enjoy each other as we can. It’s good for all of us. One of the most recent fun things was Friday’s pyjama party. It was organised by Matthew. It started at 5pm. We all had to […]

Charlotte Patricia Anne
You never think you’re going to have to write this. Not when you have a big (apparently) healthy, active, highly monitored baby growing and doing kickboxing in your belly. Not when you’ve done this three times before and it has been better than perfect. Not when you are really really excited. Not when you’re really […]

Happy new year!
Happy new year, from our family to yours! We had a beautiful Christmas at home. One of the best Christmases ever, actually. There is something beautiful in the simplicity of staying at home with your young children and just ‘being.’ The kids loved staying home to play with their new gifts and eat their favourite […]

Fraudulent pregnant lady
I feel a bit like a fraud. A few weeks ago I posted about how I was managing to work and be a mum and be pregnant (here). Whilst those tips certainly helped me maintain my professional life amidst being a mummy and wife and homemaker and baby-brewer, they couldn’t save me, and I started […]
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