
New years whatnots

New years whatnots

We all do it, don’t we. Set resolutions, once the new year rolls in. I thought about mine for a while. For some reason I feel compelled to share my resolutions on my blog, in a way of etching them into stone and maybe gain encouragement and support from people who care to do that. […]

Elora Jane Yvonne

Elora Jane Yvonne

Elora, 5 days old Welcome to the world, little Elora Jane Yvonne, born October 4th, 2010 at 6:10pm. Weight = 7lb 14oz or 3575g. Length = 51cm. HC =  32.5cm The name “Elora” is a form of Eleanor. It is of Greek origin and means “Sunlight” and Elora is our “Little Ray of Sunshine.” Her […]

10 days to go

10 days to go

Ahhhh… the final days of this pregnancy are here. And I will admit that I am counting down, now that we have a date. The induction date is booked for 37+ weeks. I am being induced because of my antibodies; once the baby is mature it can be delivered and thus avoid potential problems due […]