Fabric Friday: dreaming of Liberty
I didn’t get around to sorting through fabric and creating something for my ‘Fabric Friday’ today, due to various things, including preparing some baked goods for Geeveston’s fundraiser for the victims of the recent bushfires in Tasmania. However, I have had the chance to do some Internet ‘window’ shopping. I have been browsing through Etsy, […]
Fabric Friday: umbrellas and rainbows
Last week I shared about that beautiful vintage linen tea towel that was my Nana’s. Today I am sharing more of her beautiful fabric. This is a heavy weight cotton fabric that would be great for making cushions and bags and hats. Nana bought this fabric and used the motifs to appliqué on children’s items […]

Fabric Friday
When I was in Adelaide for Christmas, I caught up with a lot of my cousins. My cousin Melissa gave me a pile of fabric that was Nana’s. I love it all, and will share more with you as time goes by, but this piece is my favourite. This is actually a tea towel. Nana […]

Fabric Friday: Christmas!
I have made some Santa sacks for Monte and me. I’m pretty sure that Monte has been a good boy and that Santa will be coming to him this year. I am *hopeful* that he will be coming to me too. I made some sacks with some red, weird elasticky fabric and trimmed them with […]

Fabric Friday: repurposing
I received a large bag of little girls’ clothes last weekend. I rummaged through, taking a few items that I thought would be suitable for Elora. One item was a little sundress. It was sewn out of very pretty fabric, in a pillow case dress style, but the straps and binding were so frayed that […]

Fabric Friday: Nanny’s sewing
Sigh. I am tired and emotional and I found myself thinking of my darling nanny. Then Elora wanted some orange, so I was distracted whilst I set myself the task of choosing an orange and slicing it up and putting it in a bowl and choosing a pinny of her to wear. And the pinny […]

Fabric Friday: Kokka
This lovely fabric is a Japanese fabric called ‘Trefle’ by Kokka. It is a thick and close woven fabric that would be great for furnishings and accessories. I bought this fabric because in one my my appliqué phases I thought it would be lovely for appliqués, but now I think I would like to make […]

Fabric Friday: Anna Maria Horner Festival
This lovely fabric is from Anna Maria Horner’s Good Folks range. It is called Festival in Tangerine. What I like about this fabric, and a lot of Anna Maria Horner’s designs, is that the pattern runs along the edges of the fabric, with a different pattern running down the centre (excuse my photos!). I bought […]
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