Happy new year!
Happy new year, from our family to yours! We had a beautiful Christmas at home. One of the best Christmases ever, actually. There is something beautiful in the simplicity of staying at home with your young children and just ‘being.’ The kids loved staying home to play with their new gifts and eat their favourite […]

Little crochet bag
I made this crochet bag for a birthday present for one of Matthew’s best friends, Charlotte. She just turned seven. She really liked it, so did my daughters, who are now both asking for one just the same. I made up the pattern, based on a few stitches and techniques that I know and like. […]

Crochet cotton dishcloths
I recently took part in a dishcloth swap, hosted by Mel at One Crafty Mumma. I made four star shaped dishcloths using this pattern but I did not find the pattern particularly useful and I made a lot of changes as I progressed through the dishcloth making. For example, I did not turn between rounds […]

Handmade Christmas
Four weeks until Christmas! A few months ago, I decided to make a lot of our Christmas gifts this year. The decision came about because I am tired of plastic toys and junk that accumulates in our house. I’ve done so much sorting and purging that I dare not add to the plastic fray under […]

Snippets of the winter holidays
Unfortunately the winter school holidays are coming to an end. We have had a quiet time these holidays, involving a few birthdays, a party, catching up with dear friends, cooking, knitting and resting. I think it’s always a bit harder for Monte to work when the children and I are all on holidays. He is […]

Easter bunnies! {knitting pattern}
I like to make the children gifts for Easter. They don’t get a lot of chocolate (and even that seems like too much!), so I like to give them a little toy as well. Sometimes I get around to making them something – sometimes, like last year, I don’t. I knitted these little bunnies. I […]

Ripplealong week 5: c’est fini
I finished my ripple blanket on Good Friday. I felt sad as I tied off the last loop, kind of the way you feel after a really good book! Since finishing the blanket I have been keen to start a new one! I’m certainly not short of folks to make one for! The blanket is […]

Ripple blanket week 4
It has been the perfect weekend for crochet. It has been rainy and windy, the fire has been burning, yummy things have been baked and boiled and jarred and we have been cosy, warm and happy. I have had plenty of time for tea and crochet, and stuff. It is nearly finished. Five more bands […]
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