Family Bushwalk
It seems like so long ago now. It was the first weekend of winter, to be precise, so almost 2 months ago (isn’t it marvellous that we are almost in the last month of winter!?). It was a sunny day and we decided to go on a little Bushwalk. Alum cliffs is in Kingston, so […]

Snippets of the winter holidays
Unfortunately the winter school holidays are coming to an end. We have had a quiet time these holidays, involving a few birthdays, a party, catching up with dear friends, cooking, knitting and resting. I think it’s always a bit harder for Monte to work when the children and I are all on holidays. He is […]

Kids and their photos
Children love taking photos don’t they?! Our Matthew is especially keen to take photos and he often borrows (or sneaks away) my phone to take pictures. Recently, at Dark Mofo, Matthew took this pretty cool wavy photo of the flares that would ignite sporadically, causing quite a stir in the crowd. I am so glad […]
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