I made zucchini soup
I made soup today. Zucchini soup. It was good. So tasty and hot. We ate it for lunch today, despite it being the middle of summer. Georgia has been asking for zucchini soup ever since our first zucchini appeared on the vine. We have so many zucchinis now. Speaking of summer, our summer here has […]

Getting ready…
I love being on holidays. I love the slower pace. I love having the children home and I love listening to them play. I love playing with them too, and talking to them about their games, friends, plans and dreams. I love not having to do the morning rush with school uniforms, lunches and the […]

Easy peasy creamy tuna and veggie pasta bake
I’m sharing this recipe with you because my children enjoyed it so much that they began singing about how awesome I am and what a great chef I am. Although it is not original by any stretch of the imagination, and it is neither complicated nor time-consuming, it is a good hearty meal that children […]

the view from our back door this morning It’s another beautiful day in the Huon Valley. I love waking up to clear blue skies and bright sunlight that shines on the dew on my garden, making it glisten. I find it beautiful when the mist sits in the valley like this and the sunrise casts […]

January 20-27
(20/1) we spent the evening with a bunch of wonderful friends. We explored the beach and rock pools; had a picnic and played beach cricket whilst the sun set. A magical evening! 1. (21/1) Matthew set up a little desk for himself so he could do some sketching 2. (22/1) Georgie and I spent the […]

Fabric Friday: dreaming of Liberty
I didn’t get around to sorting through fabric and creating something for my ‘Fabric Friday’ today, due to various things, including preparing some baked goods for Geeveston’s fundraiser for the victims of the recent bushfires in Tasmania. However, I have had the chance to do some Internet ‘window’ shopping. I have been browsing through Etsy, […]

All about me
My name is Georgia, I am 9. My birthday is on the 20th of October 2003. I love the animal kingdom, and living on a farm. I love the country side.? Me and fances have been friends since we were born. We’re like sisters, I wish we could spend more time together because she lives […]

Carrot and zucchini muffin bars
Ooooh I do believe I have found a new go-to sweet. This is so delicious. It is sweet, moist, tasty and it has vegetables in it so it is reasonably healthy! I love finding new ways to use those zucchinis. I love our homegrown zucchinis, did you know? The ginger and honey flavour of these […]
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