More pillow case sewing…
Excuse me whilst I clothe my children in old pillow cases (and t-shirts). They’re not even snazzy vintage ones. They are just honest, old pillow cases, bought at the op shop, or found at the bottom of a pile of stuff in the cupboard. This time, it was pants. I found this stripy pillow case […]

Recently, Monte finished building the wallaby – proof fence around our house. The fence is mostly star pickets and wallaby mesh, but nearer to our house it is post and rail, like this. One day we will limewash it: Facing north. You can also almost see the wallaby proof fence at the top of the […]

Night out
Sometimes we venture out to dinner. There are a few nice local pubs/restaurants around here and we like them all. This afternoon, we took our old girl, d’Artagnan, to be microchipped. Last time we had her scanned, they couldn’t find the chip; they said it had fallen out (how? Where?). Today, our vet nurse found […]

Rainy afternoons, with the children at home after a long day at school, eh? They say they are hungry. They say they want sausages (no, we do not eat sausages that often; they’re just featuring a bit on my blog of late), with bread and butter. And sauce. ‘You want butter on your bread?’ I […]

Chocolate brownie in a mug
A friend told me about this recipe. She recited it to me at work one cold morning. I glared at her, saying: ‘you shouldn’t have told me that.’ Since then, two things have happened. One, I’ve been telling people the recipe. It’s a bit like having an annoying tune stuck in your head; you just […]

Sausage rolls
Our son is a fussy eater – compared to me, anyway. He does like sausages though. Even better, he likes sausage rolls. I’m a fan of the saussie roll, but we are not in the habit of making them, unless it’s for a party. However, if Matty wants a sausage roll for lunch (or dinner), […]

Pillow-case sewing
The idea of repurposing items of clothing really appeals to me. I hate the idea of getting rid of stuff, only to replace it with new stuff that will later on be added to the cycle of use – get-rid-of etc… Having said that, just because I hate the idea, doesn’t mean I find it rather […]

I’m sure I’ve shared my scone recipe before, but I’ll do it again. I made these for afternoon tea on the weekend. It had been a warm sunny morning, but by the afternoon it was cold, with dark rain clouds looming. Monte was working on his latest project (details to come), and I thought: ‘my […]
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