Recently, Monte finished building the wallaby – proof fence around our house.
The fence is mostly star pickets and wallaby mesh, but nearer to our house it is post and rail, like this. One day we will limewash it:
Facing north. You can also almost see the wallaby proof fence at the top of the yard.
The fence surrounds a one-hectare block. It means that our garden, including the veges, are safe from the menacing wallabies. The children have space to play, and are not allowed past the fence. There is some lush grass they are able to play in too. Also, we will be able to keep a few sheep or goats, after a bit more fencing off in the top section.
Facing west.
I really like the fence. I like the gate that leads into our front yard. I like it that the dogs are contained. I like it that Monte built it all. Well done, monte!
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