Fabric Friday
I confess that I once thought that I could never be very interested in boys’ fashion. I thought that boys’ clothes were very boring, compared to the dresses and things that girls wear. How wrong I was, back then in my 20s. On the contrary, boys’ clothes are just as, if not more interesting than […]

Fabric Friday
I admit to going a bit berserk with my shopping these holidays. It’s ok though, because I am a prudent bargain hunter. I shop at op shops a lot of the time and I am always fussy about what I buy. I never pay full price. But I digress. I bought these vintage sheets and […]

I had the opportunity to squeeze in some sewing in the afternoon: a zippered purse for my mother in law.

Fabric Friday
I want to share with you my current obsession and favourite fabric. It’s from Amy Butler. It’s called Heirloom in Jade in the Lark range. I adore it for its colour and the quality of the fabric. I adore florals. I usually lean towards pink, so this jade colour is different for me – and […]

Sewing a garter
Okay. So, our Ella-belle is getting baptised in a few weeks. I want to sew her something. I bought her a dress; she needs headgear. So I did some research on sewing headbands for babies, and didn’t really find what I wanted. This may or may not come as a surprise to you. I rummaged […]

More pillow case sewing…
Excuse me whilst I clothe my children in old pillow cases (and t-shirts). They’re not even snazzy vintage ones. They are just honest, old pillow cases, bought at the op shop, or found at the bottom of a pile of stuff in the cupboard. This time, it was pants. I found this stripy pillow case […]

Pillow-case sewing
The idea of repurposing items of clothing really appeals to me. I hate the idea of getting rid of stuff, only to replace it with new stuff that will later on be added to the cycle of use – get-rid-of etc… Having said that, just because I hate the idea, doesn’t mean I find it rather […]

My sewing ‘room’
We have a 5 bedroom house, but with three children and a husband who runs a business from home, I’ve never really had a space of my own (and didn’t really feel like I needed one, until Monte started complaining that my evening sewing was disrupting his viewing/reading time). So, I decided to convert this: […]
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