Kid friendly meatballs
There’s not much that’s not kid friendly about meatballs, but Matthew and Elora can be fussy with their food most of the time. We eat very healthy dinners, and healthy dinners don’t always appeal to small children, for some reason. They seem to like chips and sausages and easy food like that. I find it […]

Butterscotch Pudding
In the earlier years of our relationship, I would frequently visit Monte’s house. I’ve always been a bit besotted with Montague. My grandmothers always told me that fellas like a bit of good cooking, so I collected quite a few recipes before I got hitched to the love of my life. Yesterday I rummaged through […]

Baking: muffins and date loaf (recipe)
It has been a little while since I baked, due to being sick and busy etc. This weekend, all my baking was performed with wholemeal flour and less sugar, to make everything healthier. I made blueberry muffins, without chocolate or nuts, so Elora can take them to Childcare. The children were eager to taste these […]

Bean soup
My weekend routine of cooking at least two soups has turned out to be a lifesaver in this busy household. Having pots of soup in the fridge for the week means that there is always a healthy meal ready when things are too busy to prepare something else. Last weekend I made a different soup: […]

Baking bikkies
Saturday means cooking to me, and this morning I had a large lentil soup on the stove, as well as a big chocolate cake and some cookies in the oven! Monte gave me Nigella Lawson’s ‘Kitchen’ cook book for my birthday. I used her recipe to make these scrumptious cookies, which are crispy on the […]

Chicken Tagine
Chicken tagine with lemon, pear and almonds, served with spicy cabbage I like experimenting with cooking, if I have the chance. Yesterday, during a few moments of the children being happily occupied, I made a chicken tagine whilst a large pot of Bolognese simmered on the stove and choc-chip biscuits cooled on the bench. Ingredients […]

Lentil Soup
I’m telling you, I am really enjoying and always looking forward to Saturdays because I am getting into the habit of cooking lots of goodness for my family. I am enjoying cooking and eating soups. Soup is such a nourishing meal and they are easy to make. It’s really just a matter of throwing some […]

My family totally spoiled me for mothers day. I’m lucky just to have them, but they gave me a special day and some special gifts! In this post I commented about Monte giving me a lovely gift. Monte gave me a tagine. And a coffee maker. The tagine is a very pretty thing and I […]
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