4 1/2 years on
Our beautiful valley Well, it has been 4 1/2 years since we made the move to Tasmania. I can’t imagine living anywhere else, even if I contemplate it sometimes. This weekend has been a productive one at our house. The front garden received a healthy dose of mulch. I am continuing to add plants to […]

It’s a bit exciting! After over 2 years of living in the house, the final coat on the outside of the strawbale home is being rendered! Our house has been covered in pink plastic mesh for so long that looking at my non-pink, rendered home brings a tear to my eye! The render looks brown […]

Recently, Monte finished building the wallaby – proof fence around our house. The fence is mostly star pickets and wallaby mesh, but nearer to our house it is post and rail, like this. One day we will limewash it: Facing north. You can also almost see the wallaby proof fence at the top of the […]

The story of the carport…
With the invaluable help and expertise of a good friend, John, Monte concreted the carport a few weeks ago. It has made such a big difference to us, firstly, because we are not walking road-base into our car or house anymore! Secondly, we can waltz out there without shoes, if we so desire (actually, […]
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