

I’m not sure. After a dear friend of mine recently brought to my attention that my views regarding trees are somewhat hypocritical, I am reflecting on these views. When I see a truck loaded with tree trunks that would be possibly 200 years old, heading towards a pulp mill, for example, I get upset. These […]

Earth Hour

I think it is great that there is a movement to make everybody aware of Global Warming. However, by getting everybody to turn their lights off is just a stupid way of showing our concern for this planet. Firstly, it will make no difference whatsoever to reducing the CO2 emissions. Secondly, when everybody turns their […]

Missing People

I am missing people. I miss my friends and I miss my family. I even miss the ladies who worked at the local shops that I frequented when I lived in Mitchell Park. Actually, I have been feeling sad since Easter because I miss my family. And I started to look at tickets to come […]

Fifiteen Years… and counting

Today Monte and I celebrate being together for 15 years. In 1993 we met at a rowers’ party, after we had both won Head of the River in our school’s First VIIIs. I was 15. We hit it off straight away, being captivated by eachother as teenagers often are. Unlike most of our peers, however, […]


It’s raining. Really, really, really raining. It is heavy rain, fat rain, noisy, slanty, lovely rain. Monte feels sick, and is cuddled up in bed with a coffee, looking out over the rain covered pastures and forest. Matty is sleeping. I feel warm after my coffee. I haven’t registered to teach in Tasmania yet. I’m […]

Christians and the Environment

A friend of ours was just telling us about a pastor who once said that ‘as Christians, we don’t need to worry about the environment because everything is preordained.’ Firstly, that pastor should lose his job, saying crap things like that, and secondly, as Christians, we must worry about and care for our environment. I’m […]

A good night and a good life

We had friends over for a vegetarian BBQ last night. I wished that we could have served fresh veges from our own vege patch. It will be a while before we are up to that! We had a great time. We drank beers whilst the children played (their children are the same ages as ours). […]

Today was a good day!

Today was a good day. I am happy. The weather has been so delightful lately: sunny and warm. Here, warm is in the low 20s, but it is very pleasant indeed. I like the way the sun streams in through our windows and doors. It makes this little cabin bearable. Except wasps come inside on […]