Fabric Friday – brights
Kids are great to sew for. I asked Matthew to choose any fabric he liked so I could sew pants for his cousin. He chose this one. And he asked for some pants of his own! It’s such a bright fabric. It’s from my grandmother’s fabric stash. Matthew wears these pants all the time, usually […]

Adelaide, Spring 2010
I very much wanted to introduce Elora to her family, so Georgia, Elora and I went to Adelaide for nearly a week. Monte and Matthew had a boys’ weekend, and as far as I know, they spent their time visiting friends and doing adventurous things like preparing the vege garden, fixing the tractor, fixing fences […]
All happening here at Fangorn
We have been so busy of late that I have not had the time to blog. Plus we’ve been sick. A few things are happening at Fangorn. We are getting ready for the Goulding snrs’ visit next week. For a few weeks now, I have been sorting and clearing and making space in the playroom […]
We have a new page at this site: goulding.kids.com. You can read about the children there, but you will need to contact me to get the password. There are two upsides of protecting the page about my children. One) we keep riff raff away from information about our most precious ones; Two) I will know […]
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