Feb 25 – March 3
My last few days of summer were happy ones. (25/2) We met with our carpenter friend to discuss changes to this space, so it won’t be too much longer before I have to empty out my cupboards and get ready for new ones (squeeeeeeeeeeal!). 26/2) Monte and I had a quiet dinner just together, which […]

February 18-24
Another week has raced by. I am getting used to my new role at work and the children are settled and happy at school and Childcare. 18/2: it was such a hot day. Cold meats and salads for tea was just perfect 19/2: the biggest blessing was all the rain we had today. Over 20mm […]

February 12 – 17
12/2: a new Blythe for me! 13/2: a quiet cup of tea for me at the end of the day – how can the day go so fast I only got to take a photo at the very end? I love my evening cups of tea in quiet and solitude. 14/2: lovely flowers from the […]

February 4-11
1: (4/2) I received a huge package in the mail, filled with haberdashery (most was probably nana’s) from my cousin. 2: (5/2) at the end of a busy day I enjoyed listening to my beautiful girl reading to me a story from my own childhood. The other special thing about today was that Georgia spent […]

I have been a bit sad about it being the last week of school holidays. It has been so good to be able to take our time with things and do so many of the things we enjoy. Nevertheless, school will resume and our holidays come to an end and I am looking forward to […]

January 20-27
(20/1) we spent the evening with a bunch of wonderful friends. We explored the beach and rock pools; had a picnic and played beach cricket whilst the sun set. A magical evening! 1. (21/1) Matthew set up a little desk for himself so he could do some sketching 2. (22/1) Georgie and I spent the […]

January 14-19
1: (14/1) Georgie helps me more than she knows. Here she is, helping me make dinner 2: (15/1) taking my two big kids out for a special morning tea. I firmly believe that caramel slice is the best sweet ever. 3: (16/1) to have my children singing that I am the best chef in the […]

January 7-13
1: (7/1) after some consecutive days of Elora being successful with her toilet training, we sent the change table down to the shed down the hill. Since then, Elora has been asking for it, and whining about daddy taking her change table down the hill. 2: (8/1) some quiet, brotherly loving Lego building after dinner […]
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