Magic cake
I’ve been meaning to post this recipe for a while but I’ve had some dramas with technology. Anyhoo. A friend gave me this recipe one day. I had some girlfriends over for afternoon tea, all fancy like, and I commented on this nice sliced up, buttered cakey breaddy fruity thing she had brought along, so […]

3 months!
Of course we think Sarah is AMAZING! I mean, look at those cheeks and those squishy arms!? We even have a routine. Or something resembling a routine. Sarah wakes around 6am, give or take an hour. She has a feed, a play, and then a really long sleep until midday. After her midday feed and […]

Reducing your rubbish
I’ve written a before about how we have been working on reducing our household waste (here). We have made quite a few changes to our routine and shopping list in order to reduce the amount of rubbish we produce. Although we recycle, we consider this to be rubbish and we want to reduce the amount […]

8 weeks
I’ve been meaning to write this post since Sarah was 6 weeks old. I guess I don’t get many chances to write, and as it is right now, it is almost midnight and Sarah is resting on my shoulder after a breastfeed. She is refluxy, and can’t lie down straight after her feeds. She cries […]

Charlotte’s first angelversary
It has been a year since Charlotte was stillborn. It still feels surreal and it still feels like it didn’t happen. I guess that’s how we deal with tragedies like that. I assure you that we have grieved deeply for our precious baby, but we are glad and relieved that the first year is over. […]
Decluttering on the go
I thought I’d write about how I plan to declutter and how I am beginning my decluttering spree. My goal is to have more space (ie less stuff) in all our storage areas: cupboards, drawers, pantry, library, toy boxes, under beds. I am going to gradually go through each drawer, shelf, cupboard, toy box and […]

2015 Goals
I have a few simple goals for 2015. They all point to organisation of our home. 1: Declutter. I want to get rid of stuff. Clothes, toys, appliances, manchester and napery that we don’t need or use. I’ll start with our cupboards, getting rid of clothes, towels and sheets we don’t need. I might use […]

2014 will be remembered as the year we survived. And thrived. Undoubtedly, 2014 got off to a horrible start for our family, with the unexplained death of our unborn baby girl, Charlotte, on January 20. I keep thinking of how blissfully unaware I was when 2014 began. Less than 3 weeks into the year our […]
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