September Crafting
Another month has sped by! This year is going quickly. I thought it would drag, but it’s not. Days, weeks, months are going so quickly. Is it because I’m happy? Busy? Having fun? Having fun. This currently equates to lots of crafting. I’m immersing myself in craft. It has been so healing for me. And […]

September Garden Joys
I’m not blogging much. I keep thinking of things that might make an interesting blog post but then life, or exhaustion, gets in the way! daffodils everywhere! We are getting so much joy from the garden! Things are just blooming! We have a lot of apricot blossom this year, so we are hoping for a […]

Planet Georgia
Georgia is writing a blog! It’s all about her interests in life, and she shares ideas and advice about interesting stuff. She shares a bit about herself too! You’ll find her blog quite interesting, I’m sure. I love the way she writes! So proud of you Georgia! Find her blog at here. Have fun at […]

Chicken Soup {recipe}
This is a really basic recipe. I like basic recipes, especially right now, because I’m so tired and my body feels big and fat and slow :) Sometimes you just need something nourishing, hearty, warm and quick to eat for dinner. Something that leaves some leftovers for a yummy lunch. Something that you know is […]

My spot
I’d love to have my own craft room. I miss the desk I once had in the hallway – but I’m really loving the big cupboard we put there instead! It holds all my stuff (I wrote about it here). Anyway, I really need a place in the house where I can set up my […]
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