March 4-11
It has been a good week. The children had their swimming carnival and Georgie won some swimming races, helping to build her confidence in swimming. Matthew’s teacher told me that Matthew is a very good thinker. At Childcare, Elora continues to be “wonderful” and “lovely.” My children’s happiness and successes definitely add to my happiness […]

Ripple week 2
After two weeks of rippling, I am still really enjoying the process. I love the relaxing, Rythmic pattern of the crochet stitches. I love it that I have something creative to do and I am getting inspired to start a new project (once this one is complete, of course!). I am about halfway […]

Fabric Friday. Vintage tablecloth
A few weeks ago I received a big parcel from my cousin. It was filled with haberdashery and other items that were nana’s. It was very exciting opening up the parcel and rummaging through the ribbons, lace, elastic, fabric and other items. One of my favourite things in the parcel is this lovely tablecloth. It […]

Feb 25 – March 3
My last few days of summer were happy ones. (25/2) We met with our carpenter friend to discuss changes to this space, so it won’t be too much longer before I have to empty out my cupboards and get ready for new ones (squeeeeeeeeeeal!). 26/2) Monte and I had a quiet dinner just together, which […]

My ripple blanket progress
my ripple progress yesterday After a week of working on my crochet ripple blanket, I have completed 14 bands of colour, which is nearly two pattern repeats. I’m enjoying working on it; I take it with me when I go out on weekends, just in case I can get a spot of crochet done! ripple […]

Being in the garden
colourful food It was about 6:00 in the evening. Monte was out at a meeting. The children had been fed and bathed and there was still time before bed, so they asked if we could go outside. The weather was beautiful and mild. I thought it was a great idea. We let the chickens out […]
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