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March 4-11

March 4-11

It has been a good week. The children had their swimming carnival and Georgie won some swimming races, helping to build her confidence in swimming. Matthew’s teacher told me that Matthew is a very good thinker. At Childcare, Elora continues to be “wonderful” and “lovely.” My children’s happiness and successes definitely add to my happiness […]

Ripple week 2

Ripple week 2

    After two weeks of rippling, I am still really enjoying the process. I love the relaxing, Rythmic pattern of the crochet stitches. I love it that I have something creative to do and I am getting inspired to start a new project (once this one is complete, of course!). I am about halfway […]

Feb 25 - March 3

Feb 25 – March 3

My last few days of summer were happy ones. (25/2) We met with our carpenter friend to discuss changes to this space, so it won’t be too much longer before I have to empty out my cupboards and get ready for new ones (squeeeeeeeeeeal!). 26/2) Monte and I had a quiet dinner just together, which […]

My ripple blanket progress

My ripple blanket progress

my ripple progress yesterday After a week of working on my crochet ripple blanket, I have completed 14 bands of colour, which is nearly two pattern repeats. I’m enjoying working on it; I take it with me when I go out on weekends, just in case I can get a spot of crochet done! ripple […]