The lovely SJ asked what mizuna is. We use it as a salad green, similar to rocket, because of its strong peppery taste. I think it’s a brassica and it’s Japanese. It’s fairly easy to grow. We have it growing with our tomatoes. We’ve got three big bushes of the stuff, but because of its […]

New years whatnots
We all do it, don’t we. Set resolutions, once the new year rolls in. I thought about mine for a while. For some reason I feel compelled to share my resolutions on my blog, in a way of etching them into stone and maybe gain encouragement and support from people who care to do that. […]

Fangorn garden salad
I’m totally excited to share about the salad that we grew in our garden. I eat salad all the time. To prevent it from getting boring, we add lots of different ingredients. This salad is different because it has a real ‘bite!’ it’s quite tangy/spicey. Fangorn Garden Salad Cos lettuce Butter lettuce Mizuna Vietnamese mint […]

Plaiting Garlic!
They say that it’s a good idea to plant garlic on the winter solstice and harvest it on the summer solstice, and we pretty much did that this year (albeit a few weeks late on the summer end). I remember planting out 365 garlic cloves with Monte way back in June. We planted different varieties, […]

Adventure in Fangorn Forest
I took the children for an adventure in our forest. The expressions on their faces were beautiful as we were discussing how the forest is our backyard. We had a little walk through the forest together. It always reminds me of the day we arrived here, and we all walked the perimeter of our property. […]

Banana choc chip muffins
Ingredients: 2 cups SRF 1 cup white sugar 1/2 cup choc chips 1 mashed banana 1 egg 1/2 cup milk 2/3 cup sour cream 2 Tbsp oil Method Combine dry ingredients. Add the mashed banana and stir to combine. In a different bowl, mix milk, egg, oil and sour cream. Combine wet and dry mixtures […]

A lesson finally learnt!
It has taken 12 Christmases together to work this out, but we finally put those electricity wire spools, which were left over from wiring our house 2 years ago, to good use! No more battling to untangle those pesky Christmas lights!
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